OCN Prime Capital SRL


Prime Capital is a fast-growingfinancial non-banking organization specialized in mortgage loans, SMEs financing, financing of developers and agroprojects, registered and operating in the Republic of Moldova. Prime Capital was established in January 2006 as first mortgage company in the Republic of Moldova. Prime Capital operates in Chisinau, where its head office is situated, as well as through three branches, that cover almost the main country regions.

Our Mission is to offer a wide range of mortgage products and high quality service, thus satisfying one of key need of everyone in having its own house and increasing the quality of life in our country. We strive for supporting our clients and contributing to the creation of a community of people with developed ownership spirit, responsible for their families and with a high self respect.

The Major Scope of "Prime Capital" is to offer lending products and to form a high quality loan portfolio and a positive image on the market, thus creating and permanently increasing the value of the Company. Prime Capital has a dedicated high professional team, which creates additional value to the Company. During its activity, Prime Capital developed a well-known brand that differentiates the Company from other market players.

For more information please visit the company's website: www.primecapital.md