"Biroul de Credit" S.R.L., registered trademark Biroul de Credit™, is the first company in the Republic of Moldova created in 2008 by banks, for the purpose of forming, processing, storing and presenting the information that characterizes the debtors' execution of the obligations assumed according to the credit contract.
The license for the activity of the credit history bureaus, was given to Biroul de Credit, on 26.03.2010.
Managing a database containing up-to-date information, Biroul de Credit offers to its clients an effective tool for evaluating, in real time (online), the credibility of future debtors, individuals or legal entities, as well as for monitoring the existing debtors.
Besides the access to the credit histories, Biroul de Credit offers value-added products such as:
- access to relevant data from state registries;
- notification services for credit history users;
- presentation of standardized and customized analytical reports;
- services of distance identification of individuals, for on boarding and for KYC purposes.