Recently Mobiasbanca obtained theISO 9001: 2015quality certificate with enlarged perimeter of certification by including mortgage loans for individuals, providing more reliability and confidence to customers. In this context, we are launching an exclusive offer within the campaign ”E timpul sa ai casa ta!” (It's time to have your own house!), with a very advantageous rate compared to other banks offer.
Period of promotional campaign: May 25 to August 9, 2016.
Individuals, clients and non clients of the bank, which will contract during the campaign a mortgage in
MDL will receive an EXCLUSIVE offer:
Floating interest rate of 11.95% annually
0% commission on loan offering for refinancing
Deadline for repayment is up to 20 years
Moreover, Mobiasbanca will cover the costs for real estate insurance for the first year of the contracted loan!
Extra benefits: no fee for annual service of debit card MasterCard Standard and SMS-banking service MobiasSMS.