The EBA community participated in the meeting organized by MDED, during which it was discussed the "Regional state aid scheme for enterprises in Free Economic Zones of the Republic of Moldova". We reiterate that the EBA has previously elaborated a position paper in this regard in which it presented priority proposals for improvement of the Government Decision.
The main topics discussed during the meeting:
- Technical procedure for utilization of the Regional State Aid Scheme for enterprises in Free Economic Zones (FEZ);
- Next steps for implementation;
- Discussion and analysis of the draft model additional agreement to the contract;
We thank the Secretary of State, Mr. Viorel Garaz and Mr. Eduard Țugui, for their promptness and openness, as well as the EBA community that actively intervened in the given meeting: Mrs. Dumitrița Pădure (SE Bordnetze SRL/ SEBN MD), Alina Ușurelu (DRÄXLMAIER Group Moldova) and Mariana Gușan (Gebauer & Griller Moldova).