European Business Association in collaboration with Chamber of Commerce and Industry organised the meeting of the Common Agriculture Committee

Members of the Sectorial Committee for Agriculture have met today at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in order to discuss the issues faced by national producers and exporters. During the meeting were addressed issues concerning product certification, customs procedures, the facilitating of external trade in the context of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement RM - EU (DCFTA).

In order to answer to the questions of economic agents, at the meeting were invited representatives of National Agency for Food Security (ANSA) and of Customs Service of Republic of Moldova.

At the opening of the event, Mr. Spartac Chilat, president of Sectorial Committee for Agriculture, encouraged the businessmen to express their points of views, to come with proposals, which will be systematized and forwarded to the decision makers.

"I represent the agricultural sector and I am aware of the situation. Although there are many relevant associations, the entrepreneurs are confused and don't know where to go in order to express themselves. We plan to make this committee efficient, similar to the sectorial committees affiliated to the chambers of commerce from abroad. Therefore, we must consolidate our efforts and to actively participate at the public-private dialogue", mentioned Mr. Spartac Chilat.

Mr. Alexandru Ciobanu, head of division of National Agency for Food Safety (ANSA) announced today that the procedure of issuing the phytosanitary certificate was simplified through a regulation recently approved by the Government. "Economic agents will present to any of the subdivisions of ANSA the contract of purchase-selling and the tax invoice one single time. The obligation of presenting the act that confirms the phytosanitary check and the expertise certificate of quarantine of plants and products of vegetable origin was abolished. At the same time, was lowered the cost for the phytosanitary certificate, and in the nearest future will be opened an unique counter for receiving documents from the economic agents." specified the cited source.

Mr. Vitalie Stratan, Chief of Direction at the Customs Service, mentioned about the regulatory framework in force, taking into account the stipulations of DCFTA, and referred to the facilitation of exports procedures, which now can be done at any of the border crossing checkpoint, not just at the internal customs checkpoints.
Participants to the meeting have been informed also about the support projects in agriculture, taking place at the present time in Republic of Moldova.

When expressing his point of view concerning the meeting, Mr. Andrei Zbanca, producer from Floresti, mentioned that he was satisfied because there were discussed actual subjects and burning issues.

The sectorial committee on agriculture was established through the decision of the executive bureau of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in June 2014, in the context of the signing of the DCFTA.

Presently, part of the Committee are 34 member companies of CCI, other economic agents being welcomed to enter.