The fiscal visits to the newly established enterprises have been abolished

Today, 28th of October 2014, while fulfilling the indications of the Prime Minister Mr. Iurie Leanca, The Main State Tax Inspectorate announced the abolition of all the visits to the newly established enterprises. According to the Order Nr. 1492 from 28.10.2014 of the Chief of IFPS (Main State Tax Inspectorate) Mr. Ion Prisacaru, there will be no visits to the newly established enterprises nor will they be requested to visit IFPS offices beginning with the registration till the presenting of the company of the first tax report.

Through the up-mentioned order, the Main State Inspectorate adjusted the internal normative acts that regulate the fiscal visits, being excluded any visit to the newly registered companies beginning with the registration till the presentation of the first tax report. According to the same order, employees of IFPS will fulfill the informative and consultative function of IFPS only at the request of the economic agents, and the fiscal visits will be included based on the principle of risk evaluation of the respective enterprise.

Order Nr. 1492 from 28.10.2014 of IFPS finalizes the series of initiatives of reform regarding the assuring of the real functionality of the "single window" of registration of enterprises, regarding the improving of the business environment of Republic of Moldova.

We remind that the abolishing of fiscal visits is part of the reforms requested by the Prime-Minister from the IFPS, CNAM (National Company of Medical Assurances), CNAS (Social Insurance Agency) and BNS (National Bureau of Statistics), regarding the cancelation of requirements of supplementary registration at their territorial offices of the newly established enterprises. The respective reforms have been implemented during May-October 2014 with the implication of the Economic Council to the Prime-Minister.

You may find here the order nr. 1492 from 28.10.2014.