On 21st of June, EBA Moldova with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, ragnized a Business breakfast with Minister of Education, Culture and Research, Mrs. Monica Babuc.
The event was opened by Thomas Moser, EBA President. In his opening speech the EBA President highlighted the growing importance of the reforms needed to e done at all levels of the education sector considering the growing appetite of certain investors to expand or to invest for the first time in the RM. It is imperative to consider the upgrade of the curricula to the labour market needs and to focus on the professions and specialties that are in demand for short and medium term. It is also imperative to consider the digitalization trends on the globe market which implies reduction of human resource by replacing them with software solutions in certain areas of economic activities.
Mrs. Monica Babuc welcomed the event and presented some of the important actions and reforms under implementation like dual system, revising the financing mechanism of tertiary institutions, implementation of digital education from primary school, initiatives that have been highly appreciated by the private sector
An open dialogue between the EBA members and Mrs. Monica Babuc followed the opening speeches, touching issues and challenges in areas such as: practical implementation issues related to dual education like the need to ensure necessary deductibility of apprentices related costs and education process, the need to ensure a bigger focus on engineering professions and higher importance on foundation subjects in schools like IT, Mathematics and physics, the need to reconsider the financing mechanism at all education levels and to make the education institutions more accountable for the budget related financing, ensure a stronger involvement of the private sector into education programs and conclude partnerships with education institutions for a higher quality of education practical training etc
The event was financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It is implemented with the support of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).