The 6th edition of the Winter School for young entrepreneurs

During 23-27th of February, the European Business Association (EBA Moldova) jointly with Academy of Economic Studies (ASEM) and Center for Economic Development and Public Affairs (CDEAP) organise the 6th winter school for young entepreneurs.

As in every edition of the winter school, the primary goal consisted in sharing the practical experience in domains like intercultural management, management of sales, international marketing, accounting aspects, tax system, customs procedures. The participants had the ocassion to address questions to managers and representatives of local and international companies and also to consult themselves in regards to the proper running of businesses that they represent, either if its their own company or employed to a private one.

In this years edition of the winter school as speaker will be an international expert, who spoke about intercultural management and basic international marketing, the discussions taking place in English.

The list of speakers of this edition of the winter school can be found here.

At the courses participated about 40 young entrepreneurs.