Enhancing the capacities of policy-makers in delivering a better regulation

On December 15th – 17th, 2015 EBA Moldova and AmCham Moldova, in partnership with Euro Management Group organized a workshop session on „Regulatory Impact Assessment”. The course aimed at strengthening the capacities of those policy-makers in charge with drafting regulatory impact assessments (RIA), as well as to raise the awareness among public office-holders and business sector representatives about the importance of a comprehensive impact analysis for creating a sound and applicable legal framework.

In particular, the course touched upon the following topics:

  • The role and the advantages of RIA in drafting public policies;
  • Step-by-step explanation of RIA process by learning about the main RIA elements through concrete examples, case-studies and simulation exercises;
  • Awareness about the importance of reducing the administrative burden on the private sector;
  • RIA peculiarities in the process of legal approximation;
  • Improving assessment skills at the stage of RIA documents examination.

Participants coming from public administration institutions acting in various areas – economy, finance, agriculture, environment, customs, health and transport on one hand, and private sector representatives on the other hand, underlined the need for such kind of training initiatives and stressed the importance to ensure their continuation.