On 30-31 January 2025, the European Business Association participated in two discussion sessions organized by the National Commission for the Financial Market (CNPF), aimed at discussing the sector's opinion on the draft law to amend some normative acts (unique number 978/MF/CNPF/2024), which aims to strengthen the protection of consumers of financial services.
- January 30 - Banking sector and NCBs: We discussed recent regulations and their impact on the activity of financial institutions. During the meeting with the banking sector and Non-Banking Credit Organizations (NCOs), we discussed issues such as the clarification of fees and administrative procedures, as well as the measures needed to improve transparency and consumer protection.
- January 31 - Insurance sector At the meeting with the insurance sector, we underlined the importance of balanced regulation that supports both market development and the protection of consumer rights. Discussions focused on insurance reforms and the need to review some rules to avoid disproportionate effects on market participants.
We thank the CNPF for its openness in dialog and for the opportunity to contribute to the development of a level playing field! EBA remains an active partner in supporting a modern and transparent financial market.
EBA was represented by Sandra Dolghii, Tax Policy Manager EBA.