CTI have concluded a cooperation agreement with EBA Moldova

European Business Association of Moldova (EBA) concluded a cooperation Agreement with Chamber of Trade and Industry of Moldova (CCI)  aimed at supporting and promoting business environment and drawing investments to the Republic of Moldova. The Agreement was signed on March 13, 2012 by Gheorghe Cucu, CTI President and Silvia Radu, EBA President.

"We are open for any institution or organization willing to cooperate with us. CTI of Moldova entered into many cooperation agreements with Chambers of Trade and Business Support Organizations of different countries. We warmly welcome the setting up of EBA as we have plenty of common objectives  for which we have to merge efforts so as the businesses can benefit" Gheorghe Cucu said.

The EBA President, Silvia Radu highly appreciated CTI support efforts:"This is the first Agreement signed by EBA. Even if we have already encountered a very fruitful cooperation with CTI today we have created the necessary framework which will strengthen our bilateral relations".

This agreement will lay down the basis for enhancing and complementing efforts in different actions aimed at aligning national standards  to European norms and values, drawing foreign investments  in Moldova, providing support and assistance to businesses in Moldova for capacity building in the area of entrepreneurial culture and business management, exchange of information, finding partners and funding sources, setting communication platforms between the businesses and public authorities leading to a sustainable economic development.

Carolina Bugaian, Moldcell CFO   reiterated the need for a strong partnership between the two organizations as the businesses are ones who will share the benefits. "Both Parts will contribute to promoting European values, by bringing them closer to us, which will positively impact the business environment and hence  bolster economic development".

EBA Moldova  was set up in October 2011 by one of the biggest investors of Moldova, (ICS Gas Natural Fenosa SA, BCR Chisinău, IM Moldcell SA, ICS Prodigital SRL, "Moldovan- German Association for Economic Cooperation", Agro SZM SRL, ICS Bemol Retail SRL, ICS Vernon David SRL, Țurcan Cazac Law Firm, ICS Metro Cash and Carry Moldova SRL).

Honorable President of EBA Moldova is Dirk Schuebel, Head of EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova.