Mrs. Victoria Belous, Minister of Finance in dialogue with business!

Mrs. Victoria Belous, Minister of Finance in dialogue with business!

The Minister of Finance, Mrs. Victoria Belous had a discussion with the EBA community during which the priority issues related to the implementation framework of the Tax Policy 2025, as well as the plans for the immediate future period related to the alignment of the Tax Code with the EU Directives were addressed. The Minister highly appreciated the contribution and active involvement of the Association in the process of elaboration of the Tax Policy, as well as the legislation related to Transfer Pricing.

We express our gratitude to the EBA community and to Mrs. Diana Ilicciev, Chair of the EBA Tax Committee and Chief Accountant of Victoriabank; Mr. Constantin Agafita, Co-Chair of the EBA Tax Committee and Audit Manager Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners, for the expertise shared and the support provided in the transposition of the legislative framework, a process carried out between the business community and the Ministry of Finance.

The event took place on September 20, 2024.

We remain committed to supporting a healthy and collaborative business environment!