Two new rounds of seminars for national agricultural producers that wish to export on EU market will be organized by EBA and CCI between 29th of September and 8th of October

The European Business Association, in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry, are organizing the 4th and respectively the 5th round of seminars oriented to consolidate the capacities of export on the European market of national companies, producers of vegetables and fruits.

Thereby, the 4th round will take place on 29th of September in Balti, on 30th of September in Cahul, and at 1st of October at Orhei. The topics to be tackled will be regarding "Rules of Origin", "Certificates of Origin", "The procedure of electronic customs clearance, other procedures referring the exports on the EU market. The phytosanitary certificate - simplified procedures of obtaining them."

The courses will take place in the Chambers of Commerce from Balti, Cahul and Orhei. The 5th round will take place during 1-8th of October, in the following locations: 1st of October, Orhei; 2nd of October - Edinet; 3rd of October - Balti; 4th of October - Chisinau; 6th of October - Soroca; 7th of October - Hancesti; 8th of October - Cahul.

During this round of seminars will be debated such subjects like "Techniques of negotiation", "Aspects of sales on the EU market", "Distribution networks", "Rigors and issues of international contracting".

The seminars will take place between 10:00 and 14:00.

The interested persons can subscribe on the following contacts:, 079 159 199 Ion Cebanu, European Business Association (EBA Moldova), 022 22 33 10 Dorin Rojnevschi (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Moldova).

The seminars are taking place within the project - "DCFTA - Informing and consolidating the capacities of economic agents", implemented by Chamber of Commerce and Industry and European Business Association. The Project is financed by Swedish Government and implemented through International Finance Corporation.