On February 8th, EBA organized the online event: E-KYC - from theory to practice.
More than 140 participants were connected from the financial banking sector.
The event was dedicated to financial-banking professionals interested in e-kyc practices and organized in the light of the digitization process, but also in the context of legislative changes related to AML legislation.
The session is part of the series of new EBA brand events – FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE.
We greatly appreciate the presentations and experience of the Speakers:
- Vladimir Munteanu- Vice Governor of the National Bank of Moldova
- Daniel Mariu Staicu - Director, Money Laundering Prevention and Combating Service
- Monica Berindean - BT Group Compliance Director
- Anda Pastean- Head of Department, Current Activities and PF Liability Segments, Products and Retail Segments Directorate, BCR
- Adriana Mihai- Manager, Deloitte Romania
- Stefan Baciu - Country Manager, SAS Romania & Moldova
- Ilze Znotina - Expert in AML
We welcome the participation of Association of Banks in Moldova, Mr. Dorel Noroc at the practical sessions.
Moderator of the event: Mrs. Mariana Rufa, EBA CEO.