EBA attended the consultation on the draft Novel Food Regulation

EBA participated in the consultation on the draft Regulation for novel foods

Novel Foods Regulation - meeting organized by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the National Agency for Public Health, on the public consultation of the draft Government Decision on the approval of the Novel Foods Regulation, which was consulted during the meeting held on 12 July 2024. EBA was represented by Sandra Dolghii, EBA Tax Policy Manager.

What does the new regulation entail?
Aligning national legislation with Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 on novel foods.
Setting general rules for the authorization and marketing of novel foods, ensuring their safety for consumers.
Introduce simplified procedures for notification of traditional foods from third countries.
Approval and regular updating of the List of Novel Foods.
Specific labeling requirements for accurate consumer information.

For more details, please visit: https://particip.gov.md/ro/document/stages/ministerul-sanatatii-anunta-initierea-elaborarii-proiectului-hotararii-de-guvern-privind-aprobarea-regulamentului-privind-alimentele-noi/12580?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1S8lUhKmeejbsKsxjUVgiTMII-BfB2P3yNMOJNzQXNfbivV_rVfClSOko_aem_HJTdaTqDklaHWLsJ8QsDbg