EBA actively engaged in the Economic Council of the Prime Minister session on “State Inspections Applied to Entrepreneurs”

A new meeting of the Economic Council of the Prime Minister took place in response to EBA Moldova request to address the issue of state inspection practices applied towards economic operators and their impact on the due implementation of the DCFTA provisions governing the exports.

EBA stressed the need to improve the transparency of control procedures and to entirely respect those regulatory requirements set in for carrying out a legally compliant inspection, in order to avoid any instances of abusive, intimidating and threatening practices, particularly common in case of unannounced controls, that usually lead to corruption and disrupt the business climate. Otherwise, the ongoing state of affairs risks to imperil the application of the DCFTA framework, as it currently happens in case of certain specific industries (e.g. the walnut and rapeseed exports) due to inspections deriving from the certificates of origin issuance procedure.  

The EBA urged the state control bodies to focus on uncovering the sectors of shadow economy, where a lot of undeclared economic transactions occur, thus bolstering unfair competition on the market.

The Economic Council called for a clear regulatory framework on state inspections developed through regular consultations with the business sector.

Prime Minister Valeriu Streleț, in its turn, encouraged the business representatives to report any abuses or acts of corruption resulting out of state inspections and personally committed to examine each case, in full respect of confidentiality, with the aim of further taking the necessary measures.