EBA in constructive dialogue with the State Fiscal Service regarding the Regulation on the performance of state control by the State Fiscal Service

We reiterate that previously EBA submitted a position paper (which can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/3PrrsHx) in order to improve the wording of the current Regulation. The EBA business community welcomes the fact that most of the proposals have been taken into consideration. The purpose of the June 13 meeting, with a wide participation of representatives from the SFS and EBA members, focused on discussing those proposals that require a deeper analysis.

EBA was represented by:
- Diana Ilicciev, Chief Accountant of Victoriabank, President of the EBA Taxation and Customs Committee
- Tatiana Stavinschi and Cretu Nicolae, Saiph Consulting House company
- Sandra Dolghii EBA Manager on fiscal and customs policies