During 22nd – 23rd of June 2016, the agrocooperatives created within the World Bank MAC-P Project have been provided with a practical workshop on “GLOBAL G.A.P.: Requirements and practical aspects of implementation”.
The workshops have been organized by EBA Moldova, in partnership with Metro Cash and Carry and IFC, in the context of the MAC-P project, implemented by UCIMPA.
The trainer of these workshops was Mr. Kliment Petrov, who currently is the Commercial Director for BULGAP and Chairman of the National Working Group of GlobalGAP Fruits and Vegetables in Bulgaria.
GlobalGAP is one of the basic requirements for gaining access to EU markets and not only. GlobalGAP represents a substantial support for the companies in their process of becoming a reliable supplier to major local and regional retailers. The content presented during the seminar was as detailed and subjective as possible, based on the experience of EU agricultural companies and adapted to the local market.
On 24th of June, in the context of the same MAC-P project, the cooperatives made a visit to one of the local agricultural companies that has already implemented the requirements of the certification system GlobalGAP. The participants had the occasion to learn the implications and benefits of Global Gap certified company, to consider the challenges of the implementation process but also the long term benefits. During the visit the SGS company representative explained the process of audit at a farm.
The visit was organized by EBA Moldova with the support of SGS Moldova.