EBA Moldova jointly with Danube Logistics Company organized a visit of businessmen from Transnistria to the Free International Port from Giurgiulești

On 22nd of November 2013 "Danube Logistics" jointly with EBA Moldova have co-organized a visit of businessmen from Transnistria to the Free International Port Giurgiulești.

At the event participated 10 Transistrian companies that had the remarcable occasion to identify new opportunities, to study the comparative advantages offered by the range of services of the Free International Port Giurgiulesti, as well as to address questions to the representatives of Customs Service from Republic of Moldova which also participated at the event. The Customs Service of Republic of Moldova was represented by the Deputy Head of Customs Post in Cahul and the Chief of Customs Post Giurgiulesti port who described in details all the customs procedures at import and export and presented the legislative environment that provide these procedures.

The mission of EUBAM in Moldova, also present at the event, has presented the technical possibilities for simplification of import and export procedures of goods to/from Transnistria by applying an electronic system of exchange of information with reduced costs.

Businessmen expressed an increased interest for the services of container transportation all over the world that the Free International Port Giurgiulesti is offering. They also acknowledged that lately the costs for customs procedures through other international ports in the region has risen considerably, which has a direct impact on the final price of commercial goods, and because of this the examination of a new alternative is as timely as it might be.