EBA Moldova in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry have lunched the second round of courses, within the DCFTA II Project

The second phase of the Project "The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. Informing and consolidating the economic agents" was officially launched today within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Project is financed by the Swedish Government, through the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and implemented by Chamber of Commerce and Industry jointly with the European Business Association.

"During half a year from entering into force of the DCFTA, the exports towards EU have increased significantly on certain types of products, but there is still work to be done in order to be more competitive on the local and European market, taking into account the new geo-economic conditions. Thereby, we have structured the project taking into consideration the necessities of the economic agents who need information and practical knowledge regarding the access on the EU market, certification of products and other aspects part of the competitiveness "equation", so that to benefit from the opportunities offered by DCFTA" declared the President of CCI, Valeriu Lazăr.

The Project will focus on the processing industry in the agri-food sector and textile industry and is formed out of several components of informing the economic operators through 20 regional seminars with topics relevant to the implementation of DCFTA, among which: rules of access on the EU market, negotiation techniques, aspects of international contracting, marketing techniques, conditions for obtaining international certificates and support in finding partners on the EU market; study visits in Italy, including the worldwide exhibition from Milano, and the three Baltic countries, followed by bilateral business forums; the component of communication. The graphic of seminars can be found here.

"In the previous year we have witnessed the signing of the Association Agreement and DCFTA, as part of it. Now the moment has come for the Government and for the private sector as well to implement crucial reforms that will assure the competitiveness of Republic of Moldova on the international market. In order to fully benefit from DCFTA, the business needs information concerning the requirements imposed by the new trade regime, which will be the primary goal of the campaign sustained by Sweden." mentioned Swedish Ambassador in Republic of Moldova, Ingrid Tersman.

Within the first phase of the Project "The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. Informing and consolidating the economic agents", 669 economic agents have benefited from specialized courses within 27 seminars; there were created three Sectorial Committees: in agriculture, Industry and Services; there have been launched two hotlines within CCI and EBA; there were made 4 visits based on identifying partners and instructing them on the topics of rules of access of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables on the EU market. Thereby there were organized visits in Belgium and Netherlands and two visits in Romania. Within the project have been elaborated and disseminated a series of informative materials and a brochure regarding the impact of DCFTA on the national economy. The beneficiaries of the first phase of the project were economic agents from the agricultural sector.

Source: www.chamber.md