EBA Moldova in partnership with CCI organizes the Common Agriculture Committee

European Business Association from Moldova in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry have organized on 26th of June the Common Agriculture Committee, the main guest being Vicedirector of AIPA (Agency for Interventions and Payments for Agriculture), Mr. Nicolae Ciubuc. The aim of this meeting was to present the actual improvements made in the Regulation during the last period of time and to collect proposals from economic agents in regard to improving the regulation in 2016. The meeting took place in the context of the DCFTA Project financed by the Swedish Government through IFC, project implemented by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RM in partnership with European Business Association.

During the event, Mr. Ciubuc has expressed himself in regards to several important topics from the domain of subsidization. In this way was mentioned the fact that in 2014 the agricultural producers have given priority to the domains concerning the subsidizing the agricultural technology that consumed 35% from the total of the subsidizing fund, on the second place being the post-harvest infrastructure. Also, there was recorded a rising trend in the animal breeding sector with the sum of over 150 million lei. In regards to the Subsidy Regulation for 2015, Mr. Ciubuc has mentioned that there have been established two new measures, these being in regard to stimulating the formation and functioning of the groups of agricultural producers as well as supporting the investments to the infrastructure of agricultural companies placed outside the city. In the main time, as a message for the agricultural producers, was the fact that starting with this year the investment done with grant initiative, with the exception of MAC-P, will not be eligible for subsidizing. Also new in this regard is the fact that starting with 2016 the agricultural producers who will plant apple trees, with the density of the trees less than 1249 pieces per hectare, will not be eligible for subsidizing. Also, the minimum eligible surface in regards to subsidizing the investments for growing vegetables and fruits on a protected area (winter greenhouses, solariums and tunnels) will be of minimum 0,1 ha.

Mr. Ciubuc reiterated the fact that, firstly, will be payed off the shortage of 230 ml lei left from the year of subsidizing of 2014, after which will follow the payments for 2015 mentioning that, in the first weeks of submitting applications for grant, there were already registered applications for grants amounting 70 million lei. At the end of his speech, Mr. Ciubuc mentioned that the goal of the Agency is to propel the agricultural sector of the country at a more superior level, through instruments and efficient practices, mentioning that “Our aim is to create conditions more equilibrated and equitable in accessing these grants”

At the end of the meeting have been discussed both problems and impediments which the agricultural producers are facing in accessing the grants at which there are to be found answers and solutions for removing them.

The problems and proposals discussed during the meeting will be gathered in one single position paper that afterwards will be presented to AIPA as well as The Ministry of Agriculture, for examination.