EBA participates at the Competition CaFE with the Business Community

A new discussion forum focusing on the competition related issuesaffecting the business sector in Moldova took place on 5 April 2016, in the framework of the EU funded project „Support to the Competition Council”.

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Mariana Rufa, EBA Executive Director, welcomed the presence of various companies’ representatives, including of EBA members and of the EU support aimed at enhancing the institutional capacity of the Competition Council. At the same time, she pointed out that advanced training on competition matters should also encompass the judges and the staff of relevant regulatory authorities. One of the main issue identified by EBA is the need to engage in a sectorial approach, so as the Competition Council examines and delivers an analysis of competition problems by specific sectors – financial, telecommunications, imports, IT etc. However, the most important is to ensure an efficient and open dialogue between the competition authority and the business environment.