EBA supports entrepreneurs from Gagauzia in the European course of the Republic of Moldova

EBA supports entrepreneurs from Gagauzia in the European course of the Republic of Moldova. On March 28, the EBA in partnership with the NEXT Business Association from Gagauzia organized a discussion of NEXT association members with Mr. Dorin Recean, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, in the light of the Republic of Moldova's accession to the EU.

In this sense, the importance of the pro-business reform agenda was reiterated, business financing programs were presented, in which entrepreneurs from Gagauzia are already very active, and some legislative challenges encountered by the business environment from Gagauzia were discussed.

ODA and EBRD representatives gave detailed presentations about the programs offered by the EU, the World Bank, the USA, the EU member states, aimed at developing business and answered the participants' questions.


This activity was carried out by the European Business Association with the financial support of the European Union and co-financed by Sweden through the East European Foundation within the project "Civil society contributes to the inclusive and sustainable economic development of the country".