EBA a organizat webinarul: Siguranta cibernetica - erori, amenințări și acțiuni imperative

On 7th of July, at the request of its Members, EBA Moldova in partnership with the DAAC System Integrator company organized the practical webinar on: 

Cyber security: errors, threats and imperative actions.

The webinar was concentrated on:

- a change in the attackers' approach to web phishing,

- the use of JS sniffers as a relatively new threat,

- watering-hole attacks and ransomware.

The content was adapted for listeners that don’t have technical background with examples of such attacks in Moldova (or neighboring countries) and information on how these attacks could be prevented.   

Partners of the event:

- The General Police Inspectorate of the Republic of Moldova

- IB Group

- Victoriabank BT Banca Transilvania

- Mobiasbanca OTP Group

- DAAC System Integrator

Event organized with the support of EFSE Entrepreneurship Academy within the EU4Business initiative. 

Agenda of the event can be accessed here (click).