Meeting of the EBA Committee on Green and Sustainable Economy

Meeting of the EBA Committee on Green and Sustainable Economy.

On the agenda of the discussions, the uncertainties of the business environment following the implementation of the REP instrument, in the context of the recent amendments adopted to Law 1540/1998 regarding the payment for environmental pollution, as well as the fiscal aspects consulted with Mr. Igor Stavinschi, Head of the Indirect Taxes Directorate, General Directorate of Tax Methodology and taxes.

We appreciate the opening of the State Fiscal Service in implementing the REP in the Republic of Moldova. President of the EBA Committee on Green and Sustainable Economy - Alexandru Gincu, Public Affairs and Sustainability Manager, Coca-Cola HBC Moldova.

Coordinator of the EBA Committee on Green and Sustainable Economy - Eugen Cozmulici, Policy & Advocacy Manager

This event was organized with the financial support of European Union and co-financed by Sweden through East Europe Foundation within the Project “Local civil society contributes to inclusive and sustainable economic development in Moldova”.