EU Moldova Investment Forum - Part of Moldova Business Week 2024

EU Moldova Investment Forum – great opportunity to reunite the High Level Public officials from the EU and Moldova, International and Local Investors, Diplomatic corps, representatives of public authorities – over 320 participants.
Insightful speeches were provided by High Level officials from EU and Moldova, International donor organizations, international investors that expressed their interest to invest in Moldova.
The welcome panel was launched by:
- Mr. Dorin Recean, Prime Minister, RM
- Mr. Dumitru Alaiba, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization, RM
- Mr. Siegfried Muresan, Member of European Parliament, Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee
- Mr. Gert Jan Koopman, Director-General for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG near), European Commission
- Mr. Giorgi Shagidze, Chief Executive Officer, maib
- Mrs. Dona Gabriela Rapciuga, EBA Moldova President, Director Kaufland Moldova
- Mrs. Mariana Rufa, CEO EBA Moldova (Event moderator)
EU integration is the most important national project of the RM.
Business community CAN AND HAS a chance today in a joint effort with public authorities to catalyze the economic integration and legal transposition as well as support reforms implementation process. Both Moldovan and EU authorities are strongly committed and actively involved in preparing the launch of negotiations and ensure qualitative integration of the country.
We would like to thank our distinguished officials for their openness and cooperation with business community and the support in the EU integration process of the country.
The event was part of Moldova Business Week 2024.
Event partners: Autospace Moldova , Coca-Cola Imbuteliere Chișinău, maibPremier Energy Distribution.
Event video registrations can be viewed here: