On 21st of May, during the EBA General Assembly, an European Platform for Regional Businesses has been established.
The goal of this platform is to promote, develop and strengthen the business environment and to ensure a better representation of the voices of businesses in the regions through joint Public Private Dialogue Platforms, networking events, technical meetings, workshops, seminars and other business support events.
In this way, EBA is catalyzing the development of the Regional Business Hubs created with the financial support of the European Union and co-financed by the Sweden through East Europe Foundation within the Project “Local civil society contributes to economic and social development of Moldova.”
Until now, there were organized 22 Workshops for business hub staff/ beneficiaries with the topics aimed at strengthening the work capacity and sustainability of the business hubs in such areas as: Management of BSOs; Private Sector needs assessment – implementation of Canvas Model; Strengthening the Organizational Structure of the BSO; Developing practical capacities in providing business support services in an Impact Association; Business ethics; Development of export strategies; Negotiation practices and sales strategies with international clients/ companies; Implementation of economic and customs activity on exports etc.
In the period between 17-20 of June, EBA Moldova is organizing a study visit to Austria for the Business Hubs. The goal of this visit is to focus on enhancing the capacities of the regional business hubs and learn how to create and provide business support services at the regional level, as well as to learn the experience of the big and small business support organizations from Austria.
The study visit is organized with the financial support of the European Union and co-financed by the Sweden through East Europe Foundation within the Project “Local civil society contributes to economic and social development of Moldova.”