Ion Prisacaru, had a meeting with the members of the European Business Association

The Head of the Main State Tax Service, Ion Prisacaru, had a meeting with the members of the European Business Association in Moldova. Within the meeting, the parties discussed some issues that affect the business environment in the Republic of Moldova and came up with some suggestions for their solution.

In the context, Ion Prisacaru mentioned that at the moment the activity of the Main State Tax Service is focused on training of the tax inspectors according to the motto: „The tax inspector - in the service of the taxpayer." The head of MSTS revealed that the new practices and services launched by the tax authority in the service of the taxpayers intend to limit the human factor, streamline the interaction between the tax officials and the economic agents, and to save the accountants' time . The same goals are behind the launching of the service „On-line ordering of the standardized forms of primary documents with special regime" on the 23rd of July this year. The aim of this new service is to optimize the process of providing taxpayers with standardized blanks of primary documents with special regime and to simplify the procedure of acquiring them. In the context of complaints and problems raised by the private sector within the meeting, Ion Prisacaru reiterated the MSTS's openness towards a constructive dialogue, and taking into consideration certain cases, he welcomed any future appointments with the representatives of the business sector, during which the parties would come with suggestions regarding the eradication of the tax evasion and the removal of the artificial barriers in the activity of the economic agents.

The EBA members informed the head of MSTS on certain problems that affect a good functioning of the business environment, such as the acquisitions from individual producers, thus coming up with certain suggestions for their eradication; electronic registry, instability of tax policy, differentiated treatment of IFRS and National accounting standards, VAT reimbursement, abusive controls, interpretation of Tax legislation and others.

Also, the EBA members welcomed Ion Prisacaru's initiative to continue this type of meetings and appreciated the innovations and the new services offered by the MSTS on the taxpayer's support.