The liberalization of the gas market in the Republic of Moldova - a field supported by EBA Moldova by providing the necessary support in amending the national legislation

The first edition of the Gas Market Liberalization Forum, Chisinau, May 16, 2024.

Event organized by the Ministry of Energy in partnership with the USAID MESA Program and the Romanian Commodity Exchange - East Energy Moldova, branch of the Romanian Commodity Exchange, member of EBA Moldova.

Honored by the presence of Mr. Gabriel Purice, President – ​​General Manager of the Romanian Commodity Exchange (BRM) and Mr. Ionut Lupulescu, Director, BRM East Energy, the branch of the Romanian Commodity Exchange in Bucharest.

Event dedicated to the liberalization of the gas market in the context of gas trading from May 1, 2024 by ensuring free access to the natural gas market; ensuring the appropriate balance between supply and demand; development of the natural gas market and integration into a competitive natural gas market.

In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2009/73/EC on common rules for the internal market in the gas sector, the natural gas market will gradually be fully liberalized. As a result, starting January 1, 2025, all large enterprises will purchase natural gas only on the open market, at negotiated prices, and from January 1, 2027, the same provisions will apply to medium-sized enterprises.