Austrian-Moldovan Business Mission taking place in Chisinau

MTIC, 05.12.2012

On December 5, 2012 Chisinau hosted the Austrian - Moldova ICT Business Mission. The event was organized by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication and the Trade Bureau of the Austrian Embassy with the head office in Bucharest, supported by the Business Associations such as EBA Moldova, ATIC and MIEPO.

The business mission involved participation of private companies operating in the area of ICT.

The Vice-minister of Information Technologies and Communications, Mrs Dona Şcola, described the last evolutions in the area of ICT in the RM and the investment opportunities. Currently the mobile telephony penetration in Moldova is 110%, whereas 90 % of localities of the RM have the optic fibers coverage. ICT sector represents 10% of GDP, the biggest share being given to communication. Among the biggest investment advantages in the ICT sector the following are worth being mentioned: developed infrastructure, well trained staff and the tax incentives provided to the ICT employers.

The Trade Counsellor of the Austrian Embassy in Bucharest, Mr Rudolf Lutkavsky, talked about the evolutions in the ICT sector and the solutions developed by the Austrian companies for the customers all over the world.

Representatives of the Austrian and local companies had the opportunity to present their offers and cooperation opportunities in an individualized approach being aimed at identifying concrete partnership and trade cooperation.