On May 28 EBA members met with Ambassador of Romania in Moldova – HE Mr Marius Lazurca

The Ambassador has presented the economic and geopolitical context of the current situation in the region and the choices that the businesses can have in this regard. He has also presented the comparative advantages of being an EU Member and the experience of Romania in the process of accession. Mr Lazurca has described the positive impact  at the country level but also the evolution encountered in the private sector in Romania since the country became a part of the EU family.

EBA members attending the event, representing different sectors of Moldovan economy have first of all thanked the Ambassador for accepting the invitation. Most of the issues raised related to the need of developing bilateral relations with Moldovan closest neighbor thus finding market opportunities in Romania. The representatives of Moldovan exporters of fruit and vegetables pointed out the significant spring Romania has made in the Agro-sector along with the considerable amount of investments channeled by EU for the sector development. In terms of energy diversification, the Ambassador mentioned the positive trend of renewable sector in Romania, encouraging the RM of Moldova to regard this area as a potential source for investment for the upcoming period.

More than 30 companies EBA Members and partners attended the event.