The procedures of state registration have been discussed with the Economic Council to the Prime-Minister

Iurie Leancă chaired the meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime-Minister, at which participated representatives of business environment.

The discussions were based on registration services of the economic agents, given by the State Registration Chamber - quality, efficiency and their price, the discussion being concentrated on the issues forwarded by the representatives of business environment.

"I would like a nice treatment of those who choose to open a business when arriving at the State Registration Chamber, a shorter period of time spent and the related costs to be lowered." specified the chief of Government.

Iurie Leancă reiterated that the Executive is interested in offering favourable conditions for those that wish to open a business and to handle it without financial and institutional barriers. The Minister of Justice, Oleg Efrim, announced that soon will be changed the status of the State Registration Room, from a state institution to a public institution, which will allow a better organisation of the institution.

During the meeting, there have been launched proposals for simplifying the procedures of registration of businesses, through introducing the points of single contacts. Therefore, the entrepreneurs will never have to move to multiple public institutions in the process of registering the businesses. This will be soon possible to do in an electronic format, eliminating the need of the presently charged services. As an objective set by Government, reiterated by the deputy Prime-Minister, ministry of Economy, Valeriu Lazar, is to reduce the period of registering the business to 24 hours.

Also, was discussed the possibility of accessing the information from the State Register and from the constitutional documents, through creating this Single Register of legal entities, which will contain information concerning the legal entities, and about their founders. The service will be accessible online, free of charge, according to the best practices of European Union countries.

Eliminating some obligatory services in present, like obligatory opening of a bank account and obligatory stamp, and also by modernising the quality of services provided will touch the main goal - reducing the waiting period and the costs bore by the economic agents.

Finally, after all the agents have expressed themselves, the Prime-Minister mentioned that there has been found improvements at the State Chamber of Registration, but "there is still a need to interact so that the first interaction with the State Registration Chamber to be as positive as possible, operative and opened, oriented to the necessities of the entrepreneurs, and their costs to be justified."
