Promoting the European Green Pact in Eastern Partnership Countries (PROGRESS) - Project implemented for the first time in the Republic of Moldova

Promotion of the European Green Pact in the Eastern Partnership Countries (PROGRESS) - Project implemented for the first time in the Republic of Moldova by a consortium of organizations, including OECD, EBA Moldova and led by GIZ, aiming to provide the necessary support in identifying ecological and sustainable solutions in agriculture.

Bearing in mind that one of the priority policy directions within EBA is the promotion of the Green Package, EBA Moldova will be involved in this project through such activities as:

  • Developing an Advocacy Agenda focused on organic agriculture;
  • Elaboration and implementation of a mentoring program related to the training of farmers in the use and application of organic solutions in agriculture;
  • Supporting producers with a grant program for investments in innovative organic systems;

On August 5, Mr. Vasile Sarban, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, had a meeting with representatives of the consortium. During the meeting the possibilities and opportunities for investments and development of certain branches of the horticultural sector through green solutions and investments were discussed so that we can increase their competitiveness.

The Project Promoting the European Green Pact in Eastern Partnership Countries (PROGRESS) is funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Government of Germany and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) GmbH as the lead entity in partnership with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Regional Environmental Center Caucasus (REC), the European Business Association (EBA Moldova) and the Institute for Forecasting of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (IEF).