Renewables and Circular Economy – the second panel within EU Moldova Investment Forum

Renewables and Circular Economy – the second panel within EU Moldova Investment Forum, event organized by European Business Association Moldova with the support of the European Union in the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with Agenția de Investiții din Moldova and Ministerul Dezvoltării Economice și Digitalizării al Republicii Moldova.
The panel aimed at presenting the status quo in terms of the recent legislative progress in the area of renewables and energy sector, present the perspectives of the sector by the investors that already invested in Moldova and share their international experience in this regard as well as share best practical experience in the area of circular economy from the EU Member States.
The Panel was launched by Mr. Alexandru Sandulescu - the EU High level adviser who shared the current legal evolution in line with the EU Acquis.
We would like to thank our distinguished high level officials for their valuable messages:
- Mrs. Yolanda Garcia Mezquita, DG Energy, European Commission;
- Mr. Victor Parlicov , Minister of Energy, RM,
The discussion was followed by international investors that have already invested in Moldova, thus sharing their expectations and future plans for expanding their business in Moldova:
- Mr. Peter Stohr, Premier Energy, Romania;
- Mr. Charles Lhermitte, QAIR International.
The Panel was concluded with two international investors:
- Mr. George Mavraganis, Strategic Planning & Sustainability Director, Copper Segment - Halcor (Company member of the Viohalco/ Hellenic Cable Group);
- Mr. Fabio Parola, Policy Advisor, International and European Affairs, A2A.
Mr. George and Mr. Fabio focused on the importance of practical implementation of circular economy principles in a company, what are the resources involved and actions to be taken. Circular economy is one of the priorities in which Moldovan private sector is taking first steps, hence there are market opportunities to be considered in this regard.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the panelists who supported this Panel by extremely interesting and content wise presentations.
Event partners: Autospace Moldova , Coca-Cola Imbuteliere Chișinău, maibPremier Energy Distribution.