Extended Producer Responsibility (REP) – debut this week

Extended Producer Responsibility (REP) – debut this week.

The legal and practical aspects regarding the implementation of Law 1540/1998 on payment for environmental pollution through the application of the REP principle were discussed with Mr. Sergiu Lazarencu, Minister of the Environment, Mrs. Aliona Rusnac, Secretary of State, Mr. Grigore Stratulat, Secretary of State, Mr. Gheorghe Hașder , Secretary of State, and the members of EBA Moldova. The open and constructive dialogue with the team of the Ministry of Environment demonstrates the commitments of the parties in the continuous adjustment of organic and secondary legislation in the common desiderata regarding the green and sustainable economy by stimulating the development of the circular economy.

The EBA Moldova community remains committed to providing the necessary support and expertise in order to adjust the legal framework to achieve long-term sustainable development.

President of the EBA Committee on Green and Sustainable Economy - Alexandru Gincu, Public Affairs and Sustainability Manager, Coca-Cola HBC Moldova

Coordinator of the EBA Green and Sustainable Economy Committee - Eugen Cozmulici, Policy & Advocacy Manager, EBA Moldova.

This activity was carried out by the European Business Association with the financial support of the European Union and co-financed by Sweden through the East European Foundation within the project "Civil society contributes to the inclusive and sustainable economic development of the country".