The Public Debates Related to the fiscal-budgetary and customs policy for 2014

As a response to the invitation from the Vice-President of the Parliament Mr. Adrian Candu and President of Parliament Commission of Economy, Budget and Finance Mr. Veaceslav Ioniță, EBA Moldova participated at the public debated related to the fiscal-budgetary and customs policy for 2014. At the event were addressed several questions concerning fiscal aspects, presented by the Deputy Minister of Finances Mr. Victor Barbaneagra. EBA Moldova drew attention of those present to the lack of correlation of fiscal fines with the incomes and capacities of enterprises, failure to justify the reducing of the reporting period for the 25th day of the next month to the one to which the report is made. At the same time, EBA welcomed the acceptance of the proposal forwarded previously (together with other business organizations and professionals) regarding the postponing of the date when the new National Standards of Accounting will enter into force (mandatory) from 01.01.2014 for 01.01.2015.