3 Jun 2020 EBA a participat la sedinta asupra proiectului de Lege ce tine de acordarea unor facilități la plata creditelor acordate de bănci și organizațiile de creditare nebancară anumitor categorii de debitori
28 May 2020 EBA Moldova participated at the presentation of the draft Road-map for boosting the process of digitalization of the national economy and the development of eCommerce
27 May 2020 EBA Webinar: Impactul masurilor juridice, contabile si fiscale in contextul Covid 19 pentru sectorul bancar. Studii de caz
26 May 2020 EBA participated at the meeting focused on the draft law concerning the granting of facilities for loans given by banks and non-banking lending organizations to certain categories of debtors
26 May 2020 EBA a organizat o dezbatere publica pe tema "Supportul business-ului in perioada post Covid"
21 May 2020 Managementul informational in perioada pandemiei. Realitati, perspective si solutii practice
20 May 2020 EBA participa la sedinta online axata pe discutarea proiectului Conceptul SIA "Registrul electronic al angajatilor"
11 May 2020 EBA participated at the Webinar on the draft regulation on how to subsidize interest on bank loans.
8 May 2020 EBA a participat la sedinta intre Asociatiile de Business si Presedinte RM, dnul. Igor Dodon
30 Apr 2020 EBA met the Prime-minister of RM on presenting its proposals on reducing the Covid impact and bolster economic growth
29 Apr 2020 Sedinta online organizata de EBA asupra eficientizarii raporturilor de munca in contextul crizei Covid
27 Apr 2020 Sedinta organizata de EBA asupra Regulamentului privind subventionarea intreprinderilor si organizatiilor necomerciale care au instituit somaj tehnic in contet
17 Apr 2020 EBA Team wishes you and your families a happy egg-citing Easter ! May you celebrate the holiday in joy, well-being and good cheer among your loved ones!