METRO is one of the international leaders in the field of wholesale sales, with an assortment of food and non-food products, dedicated to customers in the HoReCa industry.
Globally, METRO serves more than 17 million customers, who can choose from a mix of sales channels (store, delivery, online commerce).
METRO supports the competitiveness of entrepreneurs with digital solutions and thus contributes to cultural diversity in the wholesale trade and hospitality sector. Sustainability is a pillar of METRO's business.
The METRO company is valued by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good, MSCI, CDP. The company operates in more than 30 countries and employs more than 89,000 people worldwide. In the financial year 2022/23, the METRO company recorded a sales volume of EUR 30.6 billion.
In the Republic of Moldova, the METRO company has been present since 2004, with over 600 employees, three stores and over 20,000 items in each store.
For more information, visit www.metro.md