“Access to the EU Market. Requirements of the EU”. EBA organized two practical seminars with the German expert Uwe Konst

Chisinau, October 2015

About 60 business people from Moldovan agriculture companies and cooperatives, as well as from companies of the processed food, textile and other sector have participated in two export seminars held on 20 and 21 of October in Chisinau. The two trainings with the title “Access to the Market of the European Union. Import Requirements of the EU” which have been executed under the umbrella of the implementation of the free trade agreement with the European Union, DCFTA. The trainings were held by the German expert Mr. Uwe Konst, an economist with specific expertise in banking and EU export issues.

The seminar has given an overview on all necessary steps to be done and executed towards successful export towards the EU, including export certification, export procedure, contract issues of exports, technical requirements of exportation, and marketing in the context of exports. The trainings have been focused on practical cases of the mentioned issues, giving direct benefit to the participants.

The seminars from Mr. Konst have been organized in the context of the implementation of the DCFTA agreement, and have been supported as part of two projects which are currently executed by EBA:

  • The MAC-P project, 2nd component, which is implemented by UCIMPA. The project is implemented by the World Bank (International Association for Development), Swedish Government and Global Facility for Environment.
  • The project “Informing the private sector on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement and external trade on the European Union market”financed by the American development agency “USAid”, implemented through the initiative of FHI 360 and run by the East-European Foundation.
The workshop is organized within the project implemented by EBA Moldova with the support offered by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through East Europe Foundation and FHI 360. This workshop is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the US government, FHI 360 and / or East Europe Foundation.
This workshop is co-financed by the MAC-P Project of the World Bank.