Economic agents from Moldova will be instructed and will have the possibility to get consultancy regarding free trade with European Union

On 1st of July 2014, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Moldova in partnership with EBA Moldova have launched the Project "The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with Republic of Moldova - European Union. Informing and capacity building of the economic agents."

The project was initiated in the context of signing of the Association Agreement and The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) signed between the EU and the Republic of Moldova, with the purpose of preparing the economic agents from Republic of Moldova in the context of implementing DCFTA and consolidating their capacities of exports to the EU market.

The program will be implemented in the period of June-December 2014, by the Chamber of Trade and Industry Republic of Moldova jointly with the European Business Association (EBA Moldova), under the financial support of Swedish Government through the International Finance Corporation, subdivision of the World Bank.

The following activities are planned in the project:


  1. To create a system of permanent consultancy services through which economic agents, especially SME's, who will be provided with practical guidance on DCFTA provisions and will receive information/consultancy. In order to accomplish this objective - a Hot Line will be created  and the specialized expertise and technical support shall be provided to businesses.
  2. To organize practical and informative seminars, oriented towards the economic agents from different branches of national economy and from different regions of the country, including the left bank of Nistru River. In total,  26 seminars will take place in Chisinau, Bălți, Edineț, Soroca, Cahul, Autonomous Territorial Unit Găgăuzia and Râbnița.
    The topics that will be discussed will be covering rules and requirements for accessing the EU market, customs administration, promoting the merchandise and commercial offers in member states of EU, negotiation techniques, concluding of export/import contracts, tariff and non-tariff barriers, financial instruments for exporters, marketing instruments and promotion of products on a foreign market etc.
    The seminars will be conducted by experts from Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, as well as local experts from fields like trade and financial assistance.
    Entrepreneurs will receive detailed explanation on DCFTA provisions, benefits, impact of DCFTA on the competitiveness and export capacities, including on SMEs, what support is offering EU for the implementation of DCFTA.
  3. To organize two study visits in Belgium and Romania. During the visits, the economic agents will have the possibility to familiarize themselves with the European practice, to inspire themselves from the local entrepreneurs, to initiate business partnerships.
  4. The collaboration between Sectorial Committees from CCI and EBA with the public central authorities regarding the providing of an efficient public-private dialogue for the DCFTA implementation.


According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in January-March 2014, the exports of merchandise oriented towards European Union countries amounted 318,8 million US dollars (22.5% more than in January-March 2013), holding a share of 55,6% from the total of exports (44.1% in January-March 2013).

The first 6 countries from EU where Moldavian products are exported are: Romania, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Poland and France.

Imports from the European Union Countries estimated 549,1 mil. US dollars (with 6.9% more than in January-March 2013), holding a share of 45,1% from the total of imports (41,3% in January-March 2013).

The main partners from EU who import in RM are: Romania, Germany, Italy, Poland, Austria and France.

Hot Line: Chamber of Trade and Industry
Chișinău, 151, Ștefan cel Mare blvd.
Tel: 022 22 33 10, DorinRojnevschi

Hot Line :European Business Association
Chișinău, 31st of August str. 139
Tel: 079 159 199, Ion Cebanu