The EBA Board and CEO participated in the EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum held in Yerevan Armenia

EBA represented by Carolina Bugaian, Vice-President of EBA, Director General of Moldcell, representatives from the EBA Board and Mariana Rufa EBA CEO, participates in the EBRD Annual Meeting and Business Forum taking place in Yerevan Armenia.

On the first day, events and bilateral discussions were held on such areas as: facilitating trade with the EU, aspects of sustainability in business and green economy and digitalization of processes and digital solutions in business. Also, several bilateral meetings were held between the EBA Moldova team and senior officials from the EBRD, the Government of Armenia, the European Commission DG NEAR.

Moldova Investment Outlook, session dedicated to the investment potential of the Republic of Moldova, organized within the EBRD Annual Meeting 2024 and Business Forum, taking place in Yerevan, Armenia, in which representatives from the management of EBA Moldova participated.
Thus, the discussion panel was represented by:
- Dumitru Alaiba, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization
- Diana Jablonska, DG NEAR
- Natalia Bejan, Director of the Investment Agency from the Republic of Moldova
- Carolina Bugaian, Director of Moldcell, Vice-President of the European Business Association (EBA Moldova)
- Giorgi Shagidze, President maib, Board Member EBA Moldova
- Veaceslav Panfil, Endava Director
- the panel being moderated by Catarina Bjorlin Hansen, Director of the EBRD office (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development).
During the panel, Mrs. Diana Jablonska DG NEAR reiterated the EU's support in the European course of the Republic of Moldova, and the speakers in the panel presented practical examples of reforms and their results, carried out in the Republic of Moldova during the European course. Thus, the results related to digitization, deregulation, roaming services, the capital market, etc., were reiterated.