Call to Business to Respect and Support Children’s Rights

A landmark set of ten principles to ensure that companies respect and support children's rights have been released on 15th of May in Chisinau. The organizers of the event - UNICEF, the Global Compact and the European Business Association - launched a call on business to step up their efforts to respect and support children's rights in the workplace, marketplace and community.

Covering a wide range of key issues - from child labour to marketing and advertising practices to the role of business in aiding children affected by emergencies - the Principles call on businesses everywhere to uphold children's rights through their, policy commitments, due diligence and remediation measures, and to take action to advance children's rights. The Principles identify a comprehensive range of actions that all business should take to prevent and address adverse impacts connected with their activities and relationships, and maximize positive business impacts on children's lives.

The Principles aspire to be a key reference point for existing and future voluntary and other initiatives on business and children, and to promote multi-stakeholder collaboration. They are for all business, transnational and other, regardless of their size, sector, location, ownership and structure.

"Business plays a key role in the development of countries and its work impacts on all of us, particularly children who amount to almost one third of the world's population. I hope this event will open a new page in the way business in Moldova can engage socially as well as economically in realizing the rights of children", said the UNICEF Regional Director, Marie-Pierre Poirier, during the launching event.

Poirier further noted: "I thank the Global Compact Moldova and the European Business Association for agreeing to be partners in organizing this event and I look forward to you encouraging your members to apply the Principles".

The Principles are based on the results of a global multi-stakeholder consultation process, in which more than 600 business leaders, civil society representatives and children participated. Additionally, several thousand people were reached throughout the consultation process.

Children's Rights and Business Principles were developed by UNICEF, the UN Global Compact and Save the Children and launched in March in London. Many important international companies, such as IKEA, H&M, KPMG, Marks & Spencer etc. participated in the event and endorsed how important it was for them to act in the best interest of children and their families.

In Moldova, the event was organized by UNICEF, the Global Compact and the European Business Association. Over 30 businesses attended the event.