The private sector representatives from RM aware of DCFTA and Foreign Trade onto the EU Market

The private sector representatives from RM aware of DCFTA and Foreign Trade onto the EU Market

The Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union, applicable on a provisional basis as of 1 September 2014, includes a comprehensive programme of the approximation of Moldovan legislation with the European Union standards. It refers, among others, to the gradual harmonisation of the indirect taxes applicable in Moldova (including customs duties, value added tax and excise duties) with the current rules established within the European Union.

In this context, on 24 and 25 September 2015 European Business Association organised trainings covering main tax implications derived from the Association Agreement. The trainings were financed by USAID through East European Foundation and FHI 360. The trainings were delivered with a great support of PwC Moldova professionals who succeeded to raise awareness of participants regarding the main tax matters derived from the Association Agreement, including:

  • Implementation of the Association Agreement and regulatory implications;
  • Evolution of the VAT system: immediate and consequent impact;
  • Harmonization of the excise duties regime;
  • New customs requirements: challenges and opportunities.

The harmonization of the Moldovan law will be a quite complex process. Both, Moldovan state authorities and businesses should be prepared for the application of the new rules. In this sense, the main goal of the trainings was to ensure that the audience fully understand the provisions of the Association Agreement and the eventual benefits derived from such new regulations. Another goal of the trainings was to stimulate the active participation of business representatives in the process of Moldovan law harmonization.

The interactive style of the speakers and the hot topics addressed made these events a genuine success, judging not only by a large numbers of attendees, but also by the high quality of the presentations and organization.


EBA is implementing a new project, which has the goal to improve the level of awareness and knowledge of the private sector representatives on DCFTA and Foreign Trade onto the EU Market.
The workshop is organized within the project implemented by EBA Moldova with the support offered by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through East Europe Foundation and FHI 360. This workshop is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the US government, FHI 360 and / or East Europe Foundation.