EBA is a partner in organizing the KPMG Conference – “Tax policy perspectives for 2016”

On February 17th KPMG jointly with Vernon David in partnership with EBA Moldova have organized an event on "Tax policy perspectives for 2016”.

The goal of the event was to update the professional and business community, represented by more than 200 companies on the tax policy updates for 2016.

The event was opened by Mr. Octavian Armasu, Minister of Finance who briefly touched upon the main issues that were pointed out by business community over the B2G platforms on Tax policy.

He also listed some of the proposed changes like Transfer pricing mechanism and its implementation starting with 2018, the tax to the Road fund to be paid to the Local budgets, changing of the procedure related to asset evaluation etc

The representatives of KPMG – Oana Motoi, Teodora Alecu and Alexandru Antonescu have focused on the main direct and indirect taxation issues. Most of the questions addressed by the participants referred to Transfer Pricing, Evaluation of assets procedure, VAT Reimbursement etc

The last updates of the Labour Code approved in 2015 have been presented by Diana Neagu, Vernon David Partner. She focused on the amendments that have been considered in the last Code, nevertheless has specified certain proposals that the code doesn’t provide for the moment and that still represent an obstacle for many employers, foreign investors mainly.