EBA celebrates 3 years of activity, together with the private and the public sector

On 31st of March took place the EBA General Assembly Meeting of the European Business Association from Moldova, followed by a Reception, dedicated to three years of EBA activity. At the event participated businessmen of RM, including those from Transnistria, Romania, Ambassadors, representatives of public authorities, in this way gathering over 170 people.

The event was opened by the Chief EU Delegation at Chisinau, HE Mr. Pirkka Tapiola, who congratulated EBA Moldova for reelecting the Council of Directors within the General Assembly, as well as for the remarkable results achieved during 2014, taking into consideration the direct benefits which EBA offered to its members and to the private sector as a whole.

“In context of implementing the DCFTA, the role of EBA was extremely valuable through realizing several projects directly oriented towards the private sector, specifically through practical contribution given to companies with the purpose of helping them to access the EU market.”

In her speech, Mrs. Silvia Radu made a short presentation of activities done by EBA during 2014, making reference to 100 lobby activities, matchmaking, conferences, round tables etc. which brought direct benefits not just to EBA member companies, but also to other commercial agents from Moldova and abroad. Mrs. Radu highly appreciated the generous effort done by the Swedish Government, which has financed through IFC a project implemented by EBA and Chamber of Commerce and Industry which allowed to serve over 1200 companies through 30 seminars which took place on the entire territory of RM and where participants benefited from practical concrete information in regards to rules of access on the EU market, participation of companies at sectorial groups, participation at 4 business missions in Romania, Belgium and Netherlands. Taking into consideration the lobby and advocacy, EBA has accomplished over 10 initiatives of legal proposals and over 30 initiatives of lobby and advocacy, in the main time 3 sectorial committees being formed – Agricultural, Energy and Environment.

European Business Association – EBA Moldova was launched in 2011 by 10 some of the biggest investors from RM. The President of EBA Moldova is Mrs. Silvia Radu. The honorific President is HE Mr. Pirkka Tapiola, Chief of EU Delegation at Chisinau. As for today EBA counts 50 member companies.