EBA committed to facilitate the DCFTA implementation measures

EBA Moldova started the implementation phase of the action plans under the two new project it has been recently awarded.

The first project aims at improving the capacity of the private sector, in terms of knowledge and awareness, on issues relating to DCFTA and foreign trade oriented towards the EU market and is implemented by EBA Moldova with the support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the East Europe Foundation and FHI 360. The project has several components and includes rounds of seminars on matters such as:

  • financial and taxation implications related to DCFTA implementation;
  • EU market access requirements and international marketing strategies for Moldovan companies,

as well as a clear focus on policy lobbying through EBA sectoral committees in the areas of fiscal policy, agriculture, environment and energy. Under the same project, a conference touching upon various aspects related to imports covered by the DCFTA framework will take place in December 2015.

Equally, EBA has been assigned with the implementation of the MAC-P’s second component, a World Bank project supporting Moldova Agriculture Competitiveness. The objective of the second component is to enhance the market access potential by strengthening the capacity of the newly created business cooperatives or producer groups in Moldova. The range of seminars to be delivered will be facilitated by practitioners from EU Member States and will cover the following topics:

  • agro- cooperative management,
  • EU importers requirements for fruits and vegetables,
  • trade and negotiation strategies,
  • marketing techniques for agro-products,
  • international contractual issues and quality standards.

Any EBA member or beneficiary willing to participate in the events related to the previously mentioned projects should contact us at: tel. +373 79 025 999 or email: ion.cebanu@eba.md.