EBA welcomed its members for a new season of activities in a BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT

EBA Member companies participated at the EBA BACK TO WORK BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT that took place on 22nd of September. The event was officialy lanched by the Honorary President of EBA, the Head of the EU Delegation in Moldova, HE Mr. Pirkka Tapiola.

The goal of the event was to share with all the members and stakeholders the EBA upcoming plans for this season and business networking and collect the new requests for services for members.

Mr. Pirkka Tapiola underlined the difficult political situation in the country, stressing that the private sector is as usually acting towards improving of the overall economy despite the contradictory situation.

Mrs. Silvia Radu welcomed all the members and encouraged all the companies to be more active under the Lobby component of the EBA as well as benefit to the extent possible from all the services and coaching events/seminar that EBA has designed for its members under the recently granted projects. She reiterated the challenging situation in which the private sector is operating in Moldova, but at the same time stressing the important role the Association is playing in this regard.

Mrs. Mariana Rufa described briefly the very concrete activities the EBA is carrying out through September – December 2015, dedicated to its members but also to a wide range of beneficiaries, namely exporters onto the EU Market, under the projects recently granted from USAID and World Bank. The activities are designed in the context of the LOBBY COMPONENT, BUSINESS SUPPORT THROUGH SERVICES and BUSINESS EMPOWERMENT. She reiterated the importance and relevance of these activities under the DCFTA implementation and encouraged the Members to get involved and value the opportunities offered for the private sector under the EBA Agenda.