EBA Moldova participated at the meeting with Mr. Dragos Tudorache, Member of the European Parliament and European Parliament's Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group's Lead Member for Moldova

On April 12, EBA Moldova participated at the meeting with Mr. Dragos Tudorache, Member of the European Parliament and European Parliament's Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group's Lead Member for Moldova. 

The discussion aimed at exchanging views with Moldovan Civil Society Organizations on the functioning of the Moldovan Parliament and any reforms that might be needed.
In this regard Mariana Rufa, EBA CEO, presented the challenges the business community is facing in Moldova especially in the context of the war in Ukraine. Mrs Rufa listed some of the key support actions needed to support businesses and economic sustainability like direct support to SMEs to bolster processing and production, a series of actions related to tax and customs policy, cutting red tape as well as ensure necessary logistics to support international trade. It is also imperative to continue with efforts related to legal framework predictibility, rule of law and justice reforms as well consolidating public authorities, especially under an active cross-sector digitization process.
Mr. Tudorache is in Chisinau on 11 and 12 April for a preparatory Jean Monnet Dialogue (JMD) mission.
The discussion The Jean Monnet Dialogue is an instrument developed by the European Parliament as a tool in the area of parliamentary mediation and dialogue, which is aimed at strengthening the ability of political actors to develop true inter-party dialogue and to build the consensus necessary for generating a democratic parliamentary culture and trust.