EBA Moldova participated at the meeting of the Economic Council of the Prime Minister, the first one led by the recently elected Prime Minister, Mr. Valeriu Strelet

During the meeting were discussed several anti-crisis measures, the most important being to optimize the public spending and to recover the banking sector. In this regard, the Ministry of Finance came with information on the optimization process along with the impact it will have on the business environment and representatives of the National Bank of Moldova came with a series of proposals planned to recover the banking sector.

The business environment mentioned the necessity to promote the local goods, supporting the entrepreneurs and orienting to new markets, like signing a free trade agreement with Egypt, considered to be a proper opportunity for the Moldavian fruits.

EBA has raised the issue of excessive controls, performed by National Anticorruption Center, Tax Authorities, Customs Service, Prosecution Office, Ministry of Interior Affairs and also the issue of the transparent budget development process. The Prime-Minister expressed his commitment to address and solve the problems nominated over the meeting.