EBA Moldova had a meeting with the vice prime minister

On February 9 ,2012 EBA Moldova represented by its Founders  had a meeting with Deputy Premier and Economics Minister Valeriu Lazar and MEc Heads of Departments. Lazar welcomed setting up of EBA, by encouraging the activity of certain communication platforms between the MEc and business community of the RM such as Consultative Group of the MEc, Sector Consultative Committee on Trade, Quality Infrastructure and consumer protection, Working Group of the State Commission for regulating entrepreneurial activity and invited the EBA founders to actively participate in working out and monitoring the impact of economic policies implemented by the Government.

Lazar reiterated that EBA can contribute to building regional infrastructure needed to develop business support services and logistic infrastructure mainly in less well-off regions of Moldova. In the context, he urged the business people to involve in the negotiations on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union, so that the conditions negotiated with the EU represent the interests of the business environment too.

For its part, the EBA Moldova announced its readiness to involve in the amendment of the legal framework and the regulatory procedures, and in the promotion of good-governance principles. The chairwoman of the power operator Gas Natural Fenosa in Moldova, Silvia Radu, said that the association will try to draw in investments, including in the Transnistrian region. The association is expected to organize trade missions, to elaborate Moldova's economic map, as well as a database of EU Programs eligible for businesses. Minister Lazar shared with EBA the vision of the MEc on priority economic sectors for targeting foreign investments.

Minister Lazar shared with EBA the vision of the MEc on priority economic sectors for targeting foreign investments. Ministry of Economy, as the Minister mentioned, is aimed at setting up favourable conditions and an attractive business environment for enabling the development of all the national economy sectors. Nevertheless the priority would be given to business support infrastructure, energy efficiency, aligning the education system to labour market demands, quality infrastructure and consumer protection. The development of these sectors will boost competitiveness thus creating the supply for export of agro and food industry output and services.